Hugh Lashbrooke

Product manager by day, tabletop game designer by night.

Simple way to generate a random password in PHP

When creating web apps, there’s often a need to generate a random password for your users. There are a number of ways to do this, but in needing to do it recently I came up with this very simple function that will generate a password (or other random string) of whatever length you wish. It’s particularly useful when generating passwords for users that they will then change in the future. It uses PHP’s handy str_shuffle() function:

View this gist on GitHub

The only shortcoming of this method will come in when you want to generate a password that is longer than $chars, but this is rather unlikely I would think. Also, the fact that it will only ever use each character a maximum of one time means that it is more susceptible to a brute force attack (whether that’s a problem or not depends on how paranoid you are…).

17 responses to “Simple way to generate a random password in PHP”

  1. Faisal Avatar

    Thanks. Gonna check it.

  2. Arujei Avatar

    $password = substr( str_shuffle( $chars ), 0, $length );
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
    $password .= $chars{mt_rand(0, strlen($chars) – 1)};
    now you've made it quite random.

    1. Tommy Avatar

      Should be:
      for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
      $password .= $chars[mt_rand(0, strlen($chars) – 1)];

  3. kundan Avatar


  4. shamli Avatar


  5. Omar Avatar

    Thank you ^____^

  6. Ricardo Avatar

    If you want to have a password with repeating chars:

    $password = substr ( str_shuffle ( str_repeat ( $chars ,$length ) ), 0, $length );

  7. Gunther Fruhtrunk Avatar
    Gunther Fruhtrunk

    I believe this algorithm is highly insecure as str_shuffle uses a very predictable randomness and was not made to be used for nearly cryptographic uses.

  8. periyasamy Avatar
  9. sgzonlinepage Avatar

    nice one

  10. Ronald Avatar

    Please do NOT use this example to generate “secure” passwords as the str_shuffle function is based on the insecure, e.g. predictable, rand() or mt_rand() function.

    Please refer to the random_str() function available in php7 or the php5-compatibility functions found here:

    1. Hugh Avatar

      Thanks Ronald – this is clearly an old post written long before PHP 7 was even thought of, so thanks for the update there 🙂

  11. adi ch Avatar
    adi ch

    what is the password any one tell ??

  12. Muhammad Avatar

    $char =”abcdefghijklmnop1234567890″;
    echo str_shuffle($char);

  13. David Avatar

    I’ve added a bit more “randomness”, respectively have added some stuff to make up for the lack of randomness in PHP 5 (still commonly used). In short:

    – created random seed
    – create random offset in substr
    – add loop while certain password complexity conditions aren’t met

    function random_password( $length = 8 ) {
    $chars = “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()_-=+;:,.?”;
    $password = ”;
    while(preg_match(‘/[a-z]/’,$password) == 0 && preg_match(‘/[A-Z]/’,$password) == 0 && preg_match(‘/[0-9]/’,$password) == 0 && preg_match(‘/[\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\-\=\+\;\:\,\.\?]/’,$password) == 0) {
    $password = substr( str_shuffle( $chars ), mt_rand(0,strlen($chars)-1), $length );
    return $password;

  14. Montaz Ali Ahmed Avatar
    Montaz Ali Ahmed

    I have forget my rendoom code

  15. Abror Tadjibayev Avatar
    Abror Tadjibayev

    Thank you!

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