Hugh Lashbrooke

Product manager by day, tabletop game designer by night.

Totally simple jQuery method for selecting all checkboxes in a form


It’s a common problem with a dozen different solutions – if you’ve ever needed to add a ‘select all’ checkbox to a form in order to make your users’ lives easier then you’ll have searched for a simple way to do it. If you’re using jQuery here’s a very simple method that’s as easy as can be:

View this gist on GitHub

You can replace the form identifier with whatever container you choose (fieldset can be useful if your form is split up like that). This code will cause all the checkboxes in the form to be toggled when you toggle any checkbox that has the selectall class.


UPDATE: Modified code to be slightly more efficient as suggested by Jamy Golden.

2 responses to “Totally simple jQuery method for selecting all checkboxes in a form”

  1. Jamy Golden Avatar
    Jamy Golden

    Hey Hugh :p

    I think the following would be very slightly more efficient. Not really important or anything but, here it is:
    $( this ).closest( ‘form’ ).find( ‘:checkbox’ ).attr( ‘checked’ , ‘checked’ );

    1. Hugh Lashbrooke Avatar
      Hugh Lashbrooke

      Agreed that closest() would be more efficient. I would still keep ‘this.checked’ on at the end in order to enable proper toggling.

      I’ll update the code đŸ™‚

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